Newcomer Guide

Welcome to the Current Middle Ages! The SCA is an immersive history group where you, Newcomer, can dress in clothing of the period, experience tournaments, royal courts, feasts, and dancing, as well as learn how to recreate crafts and skills of the pre-17th century world!

Unlike a Renaissance Fair, SCA activities aren’t just something you come to watch, they’re something you actively do. You’ll learn about the clothing of the period by tailoring and wearing outfits. Learn about combat by putting on armor and competing against opponents. Learn about brewing by making (and sampling) your own meads and ales. And there are many more subjects to learn about, including armoring, archery, cooking, heraldry, metalwork, music, dance, calligraphy, woodworking, and fiber arts. If it was done in the Middle Ages or Renaissance, the odds are you’ll find someone in the SCA interested in recreating it!

We welcome newcomers to come to our local meetings and events. You are not required to buy a membership before you start attending, although you may wish to join if you decide to be with us regularly. Members do pay lower entry fees to events, and some kingdoms require membership to participate in certain activities.

Young newcomers from the College of St. Felix welcoming folx to join the SCA at the UofA campus

Newcomers night

Join others on the 3rd Tuesday of the month for Newcomers Night. Meetings are online via Zoom (find via our Kingdom Discord).

Contact the newcomer officer (the Chatelaine)

The Kingdom Chatelaine can help you with questions regarding the SCA or (if you need help finding your local Group) to get in touch with your local Chatelaine.

What you’ll find

Attending an Event

Groups host a wide variety of activities throughout the month, which can include  arts and sciences workshops, combat practices, and weekend events.

Learning something new

You have the opportunity to learn and practice ancient arts and skills — calligraphy, cooking, armoring, metalworking, carpentry, and needlework (to name just a few).


As you begin to participate in the Society, you will quickly come to discover that the everyday, ongoing activities of the Society take planning, coordination, and execution by the members of its groups. Whether it be local fighter practices, business meetings, arts and sciences workshops, or any other gathering, someone usually has to organize it, plan it, run it, and clean up after it. By serving in your local group or for your kingdom, you help the Society to function on a daily basis.

Finding community

From across the globe, tens of thousands of medievalists (affectionately called “SCAdians”) gather to enjoy the thrill of combat, explore centuries old arts and crafts, learn the skills and virtues of this exciting period of history, and build lifelong friendships with people from all walks of life.

Newcomer tips

Introduce yourself

The most important thing you can do on your first visit to the SCA is introduce yourself and ask questions. Society participants have a wide range of interests and love to share with people who want to learn about them

What’s in a name?

You may pick a name by which you’re are known in the Society. It could be something simple and familiar or something more exotic-sounding. It just can’t be the name of an actual person from history or legend, such as “Richard the Lionheart”.

Each person chooses a name that is unique to them. Many people when first starting will not have a specific name so they will refer to themselves as Real Name of Local Group (i.e., John of Bordermarch) until they find a name that suits their persona or personal tastes.

Duke Morgan always with a big smile, loves helping newcomers
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